Watch Report – August 19, 2011


Bless Israel


Baruch atah Adonai, Eloheinu-Blessed Are You, Lord, Our God!

How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of the messenger bringing good news, Breaking the news that all's well, proclaiming good times, announcing salvation, telling Zion, "Your God reigns!" Voices! Listen! Your scouts are shouting, thunderclap shouts, shouting in joyful unison. They see with their own eyes God coming back to Zion. Break into song! Boom it out, ruins of Jerusalem: "God has comforted his people! He's redeemed Jerusalem!" God has rolled up his sleeves. All the nations can see his holy, muscled arm. Everyone, from one end of the earth to the other, sees him at work, doing his salvation work. (Isa. 52:7-10 MSG)

We began the watch night lighting the Shabbat candles and pronouncing the blessing:

Baruch atah Adonai elohaynu melech ha'olam asher kidshanu bemitzvotav vetzivanu l'hadlik ner shel Shabbat.

Blessed are You, Lord, our God, King of the universe, Who has sanctified us with Your commandments and commanded us to light the Shabbat candles."

The cup of blessing and bread were taken as customary in the Jewish tradition. This set the tone for watchmen to focus with reverence on the Lord. We acknowledged His Presence as we sang in adoration to our Father, God! Worship activated open portals into the heavenly realm. We declared through a prophetic song “Your Kingdom Come, Your will be done!”

Prophetic Words/Visions

There is a portal above us where angels are ascending and descending. Gen. 28:12

As a prophetic act, watchmen gathered together in a huddle as would any sports team before the winning play. We chanted “Let’s Go!” as the person in the middle cheered us on. The claps and cheers grew to a roar and we declared, “We Win!” on the third count. We thanked God for the victory.

As a prophetic prayer for Israel we had all who desired to have a heart for Israel gather around Israel’s national flag and the watchmen with a burning heart for Israel surrounded them and prayed to ignite their fire. Father, do a mighty work and remove the blinders from our lives by giving us revelation to our mind. Help us fall in love with Israel so we can watch over her with passion.

A word came forth that the Lord was seen as a miner. God is putting His mining cap on and is drilling physically and spiritually to reach the heart of America. God, be that streak of gold through America. Tap into the mother lode. Track that vein and find the deepest deposit. Do Your work!

A vision of a flat map of America trimmed in gold with Solomon’s Temple on top was shared. The Glory of God is coming to the United States. Glory is woven into the fabric of America.

A watchman described a vision he had of the Church: Joyful everywhere we go. Love flowing through us to others. Satisfaction in God alone for our identity and approval. Worshippers going hard after God with every bit of our being in desperation. Exuberant - being full of unrestrained enthusiasm. Intimate with God as Father. Boldness and Authority because we are not of this world (Eph. 2:2). Demons fleeing wherever the Christian steps foot! Heritage from those that came before us like Charles Finney and other great revivalists. Jesus waiting for each of us to step out so He can show Himself strong through us!


  • Israel: We declare the blessings of the Lord. Praise and thanksgiving for our inheritance that comes from our mother, Israel. We pray specifically for Israel in the areas of finance; reformation; against national attacks; military strength; abundant supply; shalom and provision. We honor Israel and receive the blessing in return. We release a wave of revelation to the Church around the world so people would see God’s love for Her. We decree that the relationship between the United States and Israel shall always be like that of Ruth to Naomi.
  • America: Thank God for our nation. Thank you for the Mayflower Compact. Wake America up to revive her roots. Our foundation is all about You. We pray you would take the four corners of this nation and shake it. We pray the Minute Men would stand up again.
  • Military: Give them courage to change the world for the better. Place a hedge of protection around them. Help the veterans to receive everything they need and not be cast away. We pray the President’s advisors would be filled with wisdom.
  • Teenagers: They would seek You with all their heart and explode with revival throughout America and the nations of the world. Give them boldness and the ability to walk in their God given authority.
  • Business: We are blessed because we bless Israel. Revive our businesses again by breathing Your breath over them.
  • Missionaries: Pray for those in foreign lands. Place Your protection over them and provide for their every need.
  • Schools/Family: Raise up godly men and women to teach our children. We pray for hurting families and children. Strengthen the family unit. We reclaim the education system for You.

Additional Prayers:

Third Great Awakening; Seven Mountains; Binding the spirit of the vulture from hovering over the Church; ANC; Pastors and Church Universal.

Scripture References

Phil. 4:19; Ps. 34:7, 96:10-12; Gen. 12:3; Isa. 62:6; Amos 9:14-15


The Treasure Hunt Team gave detailed testimonies of how God gave them words of knowledge to share as they went into the community:
  • Two women went to Target and saw a man there matching their clues as they were on their way out of the store. As they spoke to him, he was convicted and told them he couldn’t lie to them; he wanted to rededicate his life. They prayed for his need of a job and deliverance from an addiction. 1 John 1:9.
  • Another man fit the team’s clues who had on a full body cast from a recent operation and the team was able to pray for him.
  • One of our teens found a person with a unique combination of being at Target and wearing both a Clemson shirt and baseball cap. This blessed him and the person who fit the clues.
  • Earlier in the week, a woman got a word of knowledge, “I’m gonna rock this town, rock it inside out”. They went to a nearby lounge with the name “Rock” in it. The team also got clues about shamrock, purple shirt, flip flops and grass. They found a woman fitting this description sitting under a shamrock. She had a dear friend who just passed away that week. She was truly blessed with the prayer.
  • A ten year old got a word of knowledge of a dolphin, tie-dyed shirt and girls. She found her treasure in a group of five girls her same age. One of the girls had an injury, but after she prayed for her, that girl was able to do cartwheels. The group of ten year olds gave glory to God!
  • A man came to the Watch to give testimony of prayer received by an ANC member for asthma. God had touched him and healed him from asthma through this prayer and he’s been free ever since.
  • A man who had a car accident was wearing a sling and after prayer at ministry time at the Watch, he was totally healed. He took off his sling and moved his arm up and down to demonstrate the healing.

 The Watch 